10 min read
Sep 5, 2018
Clinic Mastery Core Values: How We Created A Values Driven Business
Behind The Scenes With Clinic Mastery
We’re often asked about how we created the Clinic Mastery Core Values.
If you’re reading this, then, you’re probably interested in how we did it because;
You want to replicate the process we used to help create your own core values, or;
You want to understand more about how Clinic Mastery is a Values Driven business
Either way, if you’re thinking about using and infusing values into your private practice, then you’re doing the right thing.
The reason that you’re right is because core values are the representation of how you and your team consistently ‘go about your business’ with integrity to who you are.
As more and more practices open up for business, now more than ever you need to stand out as a workplace of choice and the go to practice for health and wellness.
Applying Core Values in your practice is a way for you to distinguish yourselves from the rest.
After going through the process of defining our Core Values and helping hundreds of other privates practices do the same as part of our Business Academy, we’re going to help you identify and amplify the values that are core to your practice by sharing our experience.
In this article we’re going to cover;
More Than Words: Core Values Are Core Actions
Why We Decided Core Values Were Necessary In Our Business
The Process We Used To Define The Clinic Mastery Core Values
Practicing Our Values: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

The Clinic Mastery Community if full of progressive, entrepreneurial and passionate Clinic Owners who are networking, collaborating and sharing their experience on Growing Clinics.
More Than Words: Core Values Are Core Actions
Core values are the principles that govern and guide how you act or how you behave.
They are the cultural expectations of how you act as a team, how you engage with your clients and what you do in the community.
Core values are the things you do that define who you are and who you are committed to being as you grow.
More Than Words: Core Values Are Core Actions
Your core values are represented in your actions, the way you do business.
Values Are Verbs.
Verbs are Doing Words.
Therefore, Values need to represent doing words, they are actions.
This means that we can filter all of our decisions through our core values so that our actions align consistently.
Values are not something you create, Values are core actions you identify and then AMPLIFY.
You Already Have Core Values, But Do You Live Them?
You already have Core Values, because core values are the reflection of ‘how’ you go about business.
The questions is, have you been deliberate about using your core values?
Most private practices will have ‘unspoken’ expectations of how each person should show up each day.
The catch is that if you haven’t defined your core values and created practices/behaviours around them, you leave your culture up to chance.
You become reactive to how people feel or show up on any given day.
You don’t have a reference point or standard for people to align with because you’ve never explicitly communicated the principles that you operate by – your values.
This can leave you vulnerable to inconsistencies in how you engage as a team or how you deliver your service.

Why Clinic Mastery Decided Core Values Were Necessary
The were 2 primary reasons the Clinic Mastery Team decided to define our core values:
Our client and community was rapidly growing (it still is)
Our Team was rapidly growing (they still are)
We’re not perfect, we could have done this exercise sooner!
However, the 2 reasons above were a good catalyst to go through this process.
By defining the Clinic Mastery Core Values we were able to set some expectations of ourselves as to how we would navigate our growth on all fronts with a level of consistency and alignment.
These expectations allow us to keep ourselves accountable to delivering our service with a standard and flavour that is unique to Clinic Mastery.
We were looking to do things more consistently.
Remember, Core Values are not something you create…
Core Values are actions you already display, we’re simply identifying those behaviours and then amplifying them by using and infusing them in everything we do.
It’s about being more deliberate and consistent in the way you act or behave when you’re at your best.
We knew that our team and our clients deserve the best version of Clinic Mastery everyday.
The Clinic Mastery Values are a way for us to hold ourselves accountable to delivering our best everyday.
What Are The Clinic Mastery Core Values
After hours of discussion, we identified the 4 Clinic Mastery Core Values as:
Keep it Real
Make it Happen
Be Outcome Focused
Bring the Energy
Here’s what each of the 4 Clinic Mastery Core Values Means to us.
1 of 4 – Keep it Real
We are frank, to the point in our feedback because results matter.
We don’t see it better or worse than it is.
We walk our talk, our practices are reflective of our experience and advice.
Be Humble – our communication and content is genuine, we are authentic in our delivery.
2 of 4 – Make it Happen
We follow through on what we say we’re going to do for our team mates and clients.
We go above and beyond our expectations and outside of our role to get results for the team and clients.
3 of 4 – Bring the Energy
We reframe below the line behaviour by focusing on the positivity and opportunities ahead.
We are actively transferring enthusiasm and optimism to those around us.
Note: We started with “Have Fun” but thought that it was:
We felt that Fun was a superficial and short lived experience, we wanted something more practical and quantifiable.
Many other ‘outputs’ or emotions could be experienced (not just Fun) if we focused on the ‘input’ (proactive) what we could do to generate ‘fun’ and other experiences (enjoyment, passion). Hence we came up with – Bring the Energy
4 of 4 – Be Outcome Focused
We clarify and simplify the actions required ahead so that results are achieved.
We are obsessed about the outcome and finding new and better ways to achieve them.
We aim to do more with less.
Progress Over Perfection: Values Can Evolve As You Grow
As we grow, we will continue to reflect on the Clinic Mastery Core Values.
We will assess whether they best represent who we are and who we’re committed to being.
It’s unlikely the values will change at a fundamental level.
The essence and intention behind these core values will always exist for Clinic Mastery.
However, we’ll get better at communicating exactly what we mean so that it better reflects who we are, how we do business and how we want to do business.

What Process Did We Use To Identify The Clinic Mastery Core Values
This is a snapshot of how we identified the Clinic Mastery core values.
Our entire 10 step process is detailed in our Business Academy and we guide our members through this so that they not only identify, but amplify their values through their actions.
The process started by having each of the directors of Clinic Mastery reflect on their personal values and make a list. (don’t start with your team, start with you/business partners)
Then, we had a few coffees and beers in Barwon Heads and asked a couple of key questions that we used to define the 4 Clinic Mastery Core Values.

4 Core Questions That Helped Us Identify Our Core Values
What are some core sayings or common phrases we’ve used in our work to reflect how we go about our business? e.g. “Make it Happen”
How do we want our clients to describe their experience with us? E.g. We get results, hence “Be Outcome Focused”
When we’re at our best as a team and as a coach, what are we doing to to get into that state? E.g. We’re enjoying the process (having fun), hence “Bring the Energy”
What expectations do we have for our communication internally and externally? E.g. We want to be authentic and genuine to us, hence “Keep it Real”.
Make A List, Check It Twice…
For each question we made a big list on butchers paper.
Then we debated the reponses until we had a ‘Core Value’ that best represented who we are and who we’re committed to becoming.
Then we used many of the adjectives (descriptions) that come out through that process as the ‘sub-text’ or explanation of what we mean for each value.
Practicing Our Values: Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Remember, Values are the things that you (we) already do.
You just need to identify them (through a reflection process) and then Amplify them.
You amplify core values by deliberately infusing them into your decision making and action taking.
We are well aware, that our actions need to reflect our words.
We’re not perfect, we’re always working to better live out and follow through on these values.
Currently, here are a few ways that we use our core values:
Celebrate our team and clients wins through our slack channel each week
Make decisions on who joins the Clinic Mastery Team (they need to reflect these values)
They guide if we execute new ideas/strategies and how quickly
At our weekly team meeting we use the values to measure our ‘success’ in our service delivery for our clients/members
The tone, style and practicality of the content we publish for members and the community
They guide our 360 reviews of each of the team members performance
Core values are the principles that govern and guide how you conduct yourself.
They are the cultural expectations of how you act as a team, how you engage with your clients and what you do in the community.
Core values are the things you do that define who you are and who you are committed to being as you grow.
You already have Core Values, but do you deliberately live them?
You need to Identify, then Amplify the best parts of ‘how’ you show up each day.
Remember that your Actions Speak Louder Than Your Words.
You need to use your core values as the filter for your decision making and action taking.If you want to transform your culture, to lead an inspired team, Core Values are a key element to your success.As a member of our Business Academy, we can help you go through this process, so that you too become a Values Driven business like Clinic Mastery.Until Next Time,
Consult with Passion & Serve with Care
Behind The Scenes With Clinic Mastery
We’re often asked about how we created the Clinic Mastery Core Values.
If you’re reading this, then, you’re probably interested in how we did it because;
You want to replicate the process we used to help create your own core values, or;
You want to understand more about how Clinic Mastery is a Values Driven business
Either way, if you’re thinking about using and infusing values into your private practice, then you’re doing the right thing.
The reason that you’re right is because core values are the representation of how you and your team consistently ‘go about your business’ with integrity to who you are.
As more and more practices open up for business, now more than ever you need to stand out as a workplace of choice and the go to practice for health and wellness.
Applying Core Values in your practice is a way for you to distinguish yourselves from the rest.
After going through the process of defining our Core Values and helping hundreds of other privates practices do the same as part of our Business Academy, we’re going to help you identify and amplify the values that are core to your practice by sharing our experience.
In this article we’re going to cover;
More Than Words: Core Values Are Core Actions
Why We Decided Core Values Were Necessary In Our Business
The Process We Used To Define The Clinic Mastery Core Values
Practicing Our Values: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

The Clinic Mastery Community if full of progressive, entrepreneurial and passionate Clinic Owners who are networking, collaborating and sharing their experience on Growing Clinics.
More Than Words: Core Values Are Core Actions
Core values are the principles that govern and guide how you act or how you behave.
They are the cultural expectations of how you act as a team, how you engage with your clients and what you do in the community.
Core values are the things you do that define who you are and who you are committed to being as you grow.
More Than Words: Core Values Are Core Actions
Your core values are represented in your actions, the way you do business.
Values Are Verbs.
Verbs are Doing Words.
Therefore, Values need to represent doing words, they are actions.
This means that we can filter all of our decisions through our core values so that our actions align consistently.
Values are not something you create, Values are core actions you identify and then AMPLIFY.
You Already Have Core Values, But Do You Live Them?
You already have Core Values, because core values are the reflection of ‘how’ you go about business.
The questions is, have you been deliberate about using your core values?
Most private practices will have ‘unspoken’ expectations of how each person should show up each day.
The catch is that if you haven’t defined your core values and created practices/behaviours around them, you leave your culture up to chance.
You become reactive to how people feel or show up on any given day.
You don’t have a reference point or standard for people to align with because you’ve never explicitly communicated the principles that you operate by – your values.
This can leave you vulnerable to inconsistencies in how you engage as a team or how you deliver your service.

Why Clinic Mastery Decided Core Values Were Necessary
The were 2 primary reasons the Clinic Mastery Team decided to define our core values:
Our client and community was rapidly growing (it still is)
Our Team was rapidly growing (they still are)
We’re not perfect, we could have done this exercise sooner!
However, the 2 reasons above were a good catalyst to go through this process.
By defining the Clinic Mastery Core Values we were able to set some expectations of ourselves as to how we would navigate our growth on all fronts with a level of consistency and alignment.
These expectations allow us to keep ourselves accountable to delivering our service with a standard and flavour that is unique to Clinic Mastery.
We were looking to do things more consistently.
Remember, Core Values are not something you create…
Core Values are actions you already display, we’re simply identifying those behaviours and then amplifying them by using and infusing them in everything we do.
It’s about being more deliberate and consistent in the way you act or behave when you’re at your best.
We knew that our team and our clients deserve the best version of Clinic Mastery everyday.
The Clinic Mastery Values are a way for us to hold ourselves accountable to delivering our best everyday.
What Are The Clinic Mastery Core Values
After hours of discussion, we identified the 4 Clinic Mastery Core Values as:
Keep it Real
Make it Happen
Be Outcome Focused
Bring the Energy
Here’s what each of the 4 Clinic Mastery Core Values Means to us.
1 of 4 – Keep it Real
We are frank, to the point in our feedback because results matter.
We don’t see it better or worse than it is.
We walk our talk, our practices are reflective of our experience and advice.
Be Humble – our communication and content is genuine, we are authentic in our delivery.
2 of 4 – Make it Happen
We follow through on what we say we’re going to do for our team mates and clients.
We go above and beyond our expectations and outside of our role to get results for the team and clients.
3 of 4 – Bring the Energy
We reframe below the line behaviour by focusing on the positivity and opportunities ahead.
We are actively transferring enthusiasm and optimism to those around us.
Note: We started with “Have Fun” but thought that it was:
We felt that Fun was a superficial and short lived experience, we wanted something more practical and quantifiable.
Many other ‘outputs’ or emotions could be experienced (not just Fun) if we focused on the ‘input’ (proactive) what we could do to generate ‘fun’ and other experiences (enjoyment, passion). Hence we came up with – Bring the Energy
4 of 4 – Be Outcome Focused
We clarify and simplify the actions required ahead so that results are achieved.
We are obsessed about the outcome and finding new and better ways to achieve them.
We aim to do more with less.
Progress Over Perfection: Values Can Evolve As You Grow
As we grow, we will continue to reflect on the Clinic Mastery Core Values.
We will assess whether they best represent who we are and who we’re committed to being.
It’s unlikely the values will change at a fundamental level.
The essence and intention behind these core values will always exist for Clinic Mastery.
However, we’ll get better at communicating exactly what we mean so that it better reflects who we are, how we do business and how we want to do business.

What Process Did We Use To Identify The Clinic Mastery Core Values
This is a snapshot of how we identified the Clinic Mastery core values.
Our entire 10 step process is detailed in our Business Academy and we guide our members through this so that they not only identify, but amplify their values through their actions.
The process started by having each of the directors of Clinic Mastery reflect on their personal values and make a list. (don’t start with your team, start with you/business partners)
Then, we had a few coffees and beers in Barwon Heads and asked a couple of key questions that we used to define the 4 Clinic Mastery Core Values.

4 Core Questions That Helped Us Identify Our Core Values
What are some core sayings or common phrases we’ve used in our work to reflect how we go about our business? e.g. “Make it Happen”
How do we want our clients to describe their experience with us? E.g. We get results, hence “Be Outcome Focused”
When we’re at our best as a team and as a coach, what are we doing to to get into that state? E.g. We’re enjoying the process (having fun), hence “Bring the Energy”
What expectations do we have for our communication internally and externally? E.g. We want to be authentic and genuine to us, hence “Keep it Real”.
Make A List, Check It Twice…
For each question we made a big list on butchers paper.
Then we debated the reponses until we had a ‘Core Value’ that best represented who we are and who we’re committed to becoming.
Then we used many of the adjectives (descriptions) that come out through that process as the ‘sub-text’ or explanation of what we mean for each value.
Practicing Our Values: Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Remember, Values are the things that you (we) already do.
You just need to identify them (through a reflection process) and then Amplify them.
You amplify core values by deliberately infusing them into your decision making and action taking.
We are well aware, that our actions need to reflect our words.
We’re not perfect, we’re always working to better live out and follow through on these values.
Currently, here are a few ways that we use our core values:
Celebrate our team and clients wins through our slack channel each week
Make decisions on who joins the Clinic Mastery Team (they need to reflect these values)
They guide if we execute new ideas/strategies and how quickly
At our weekly team meeting we use the values to measure our ‘success’ in our service delivery for our clients/members
The tone, style and practicality of the content we publish for members and the community
They guide our 360 reviews of each of the team members performance
Core values are the principles that govern and guide how you conduct yourself.
They are the cultural expectations of how you act as a team, how you engage with your clients and what you do in the community.
Core values are the things you do that define who you are and who you are committed to being as you grow.
You already have Core Values, but do you deliberately live them?
You need to Identify, then Amplify the best parts of ‘how’ you show up each day.
Remember that your Actions Speak Louder Than Your Words.
You need to use your core values as the filter for your decision making and action taking.If you want to transform your culture, to lead an inspired team, Core Values are a key element to your success.As a member of our Business Academy, we can help you go through this process, so that you too become a Values Driven business like Clinic Mastery.Until Next Time,
Consult with Passion & Serve with Care
Behind The Scenes With Clinic Mastery
We’re often asked about how we created the Clinic Mastery Core Values.
If you’re reading this, then, you’re probably interested in how we did it because;
You want to replicate the process we used to help create your own core values, or;
You want to understand more about how Clinic Mastery is a Values Driven business
Either way, if you’re thinking about using and infusing values into your private practice, then you’re doing the right thing.
The reason that you’re right is because core values are the representation of how you and your team consistently ‘go about your business’ with integrity to who you are.
As more and more practices open up for business, now more than ever you need to stand out as a workplace of choice and the go to practice for health and wellness.
Applying Core Values in your practice is a way for you to distinguish yourselves from the rest.
After going through the process of defining our Core Values and helping hundreds of other privates practices do the same as part of our Business Academy, we’re going to help you identify and amplify the values that are core to your practice by sharing our experience.
In this article we’re going to cover;
More Than Words: Core Values Are Core Actions
Why We Decided Core Values Were Necessary In Our Business
The Process We Used To Define The Clinic Mastery Core Values
Practicing Our Values: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

The Clinic Mastery Community if full of progressive, entrepreneurial and passionate Clinic Owners who are networking, collaborating and sharing their experience on Growing Clinics.
More Than Words: Core Values Are Core Actions
Core values are the principles that govern and guide how you act or how you behave.
They are the cultural expectations of how you act as a team, how you engage with your clients and what you do in the community.
Core values are the things you do that define who you are and who you are committed to being as you grow.
More Than Words: Core Values Are Core Actions
Your core values are represented in your actions, the way you do business.
Values Are Verbs.
Verbs are Doing Words.
Therefore, Values need to represent doing words, they are actions.
This means that we can filter all of our decisions through our core values so that our actions align consistently.
Values are not something you create, Values are core actions you identify and then AMPLIFY.
You Already Have Core Values, But Do You Live Them?
You already have Core Values, because core values are the reflection of ‘how’ you go about business.
The questions is, have you been deliberate about using your core values?
Most private practices will have ‘unspoken’ expectations of how each person should show up each day.
The catch is that if you haven’t defined your core values and created practices/behaviours around them, you leave your culture up to chance.
You become reactive to how people feel or show up on any given day.
You don’t have a reference point or standard for people to align with because you’ve never explicitly communicated the principles that you operate by – your values.
This can leave you vulnerable to inconsistencies in how you engage as a team or how you deliver your service.

Why Clinic Mastery Decided Core Values Were Necessary
The were 2 primary reasons the Clinic Mastery Team decided to define our core values:
Our client and community was rapidly growing (it still is)
Our Team was rapidly growing (they still are)
We’re not perfect, we could have done this exercise sooner!
However, the 2 reasons above were a good catalyst to go through this process.
By defining the Clinic Mastery Core Values we were able to set some expectations of ourselves as to how we would navigate our growth on all fronts with a level of consistency and alignment.
These expectations allow us to keep ourselves accountable to delivering our service with a standard and flavour that is unique to Clinic Mastery.
We were looking to do things more consistently.
Remember, Core Values are not something you create…
Core Values are actions you already display, we’re simply identifying those behaviours and then amplifying them by using and infusing them in everything we do.
It’s about being more deliberate and consistent in the way you act or behave when you’re at your best.
We knew that our team and our clients deserve the best version of Clinic Mastery everyday.
The Clinic Mastery Values are a way for us to hold ourselves accountable to delivering our best everyday.
What Are The Clinic Mastery Core Values
After hours of discussion, we identified the 4 Clinic Mastery Core Values as:
Keep it Real
Make it Happen
Be Outcome Focused
Bring the Energy
Here’s what each of the 4 Clinic Mastery Core Values Means to us.
1 of 4 – Keep it Real
We are frank, to the point in our feedback because results matter.
We don’t see it better or worse than it is.
We walk our talk, our practices are reflective of our experience and advice.
Be Humble – our communication and content is genuine, we are authentic in our delivery.
2 of 4 – Make it Happen
We follow through on what we say we’re going to do for our team mates and clients.
We go above and beyond our expectations and outside of our role to get results for the team and clients.
3 of 4 – Bring the Energy
We reframe below the line behaviour by focusing on the positivity and opportunities ahead.
We are actively transferring enthusiasm and optimism to those around us.
Note: We started with “Have Fun” but thought that it was:
We felt that Fun was a superficial and short lived experience, we wanted something more practical and quantifiable.
Many other ‘outputs’ or emotions could be experienced (not just Fun) if we focused on the ‘input’ (proactive) what we could do to generate ‘fun’ and other experiences (enjoyment, passion). Hence we came up with – Bring the Energy
4 of 4 – Be Outcome Focused
We clarify and simplify the actions required ahead so that results are achieved.
We are obsessed about the outcome and finding new and better ways to achieve them.
We aim to do more with less.
Progress Over Perfection: Values Can Evolve As You Grow
As we grow, we will continue to reflect on the Clinic Mastery Core Values.
We will assess whether they best represent who we are and who we’re committed to being.
It’s unlikely the values will change at a fundamental level.
The essence and intention behind these core values will always exist for Clinic Mastery.
However, we’ll get better at communicating exactly what we mean so that it better reflects who we are, how we do business and how we want to do business.

What Process Did We Use To Identify The Clinic Mastery Core Values
This is a snapshot of how we identified the Clinic Mastery core values.
Our entire 10 step process is detailed in our Business Academy and we guide our members through this so that they not only identify, but amplify their values through their actions.
The process started by having each of the directors of Clinic Mastery reflect on their personal values and make a list. (don’t start with your team, start with you/business partners)
Then, we had a few coffees and beers in Barwon Heads and asked a couple of key questions that we used to define the 4 Clinic Mastery Core Values.

4 Core Questions That Helped Us Identify Our Core Values
What are some core sayings or common phrases we’ve used in our work to reflect how we go about our business? e.g. “Make it Happen”
How do we want our clients to describe their experience with us? E.g. We get results, hence “Be Outcome Focused”
When we’re at our best as a team and as a coach, what are we doing to to get into that state? E.g. We’re enjoying the process (having fun), hence “Bring the Energy”
What expectations do we have for our communication internally and externally? E.g. We want to be authentic and genuine to us, hence “Keep it Real”.
Make A List, Check It Twice…
For each question we made a big list on butchers paper.
Then we debated the reponses until we had a ‘Core Value’ that best represented who we are and who we’re committed to becoming.
Then we used many of the adjectives (descriptions) that come out through that process as the ‘sub-text’ or explanation of what we mean for each value.
Practicing Our Values: Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Remember, Values are the things that you (we) already do.
You just need to identify them (through a reflection process) and then Amplify them.
You amplify core values by deliberately infusing them into your decision making and action taking.
We are well aware, that our actions need to reflect our words.
We’re not perfect, we’re always working to better live out and follow through on these values.
Currently, here are a few ways that we use our core values:
Celebrate our team and clients wins through our slack channel each week
Make decisions on who joins the Clinic Mastery Team (they need to reflect these values)
They guide if we execute new ideas/strategies and how quickly
At our weekly team meeting we use the values to measure our ‘success’ in our service delivery for our clients/members
The tone, style and practicality of the content we publish for members and the community
They guide our 360 reviews of each of the team members performance
Core values are the principles that govern and guide how you conduct yourself.
They are the cultural expectations of how you act as a team, how you engage with your clients and what you do in the community.
Core values are the things you do that define who you are and who you are committed to being as you grow.
You already have Core Values, but do you deliberately live them?
You need to Identify, then Amplify the best parts of ‘how’ you show up each day.
Remember that your Actions Speak Louder Than Your Words.
You need to use your core values as the filter for your decision making and action taking.If you want to transform your culture, to lead an inspired team, Core Values are a key element to your success.As a member of our Business Academy, we can help you go through this process, so that you too become a Values Driven business like Clinic Mastery.Until Next Time,
Consult with Passion & Serve with Care
Behind The Scenes With Clinic Mastery
We’re often asked about how we created the Clinic Mastery Core Values.
If you’re reading this, then, you’re probably interested in how we did it because;
You want to replicate the process we used to help create your own core values, or;
You want to understand more about how Clinic Mastery is a Values Driven business
Either way, if you’re thinking about using and infusing values into your private practice, then you’re doing the right thing.
The reason that you’re right is because core values are the representation of how you and your team consistently ‘go about your business’ with integrity to who you are.
As more and more practices open up for business, now more than ever you need to stand out as a workplace of choice and the go to practice for health and wellness.
Applying Core Values in your practice is a way for you to distinguish yourselves from the rest.
After going through the process of defining our Core Values and helping hundreds of other privates practices do the same as part of our Business Academy, we’re going to help you identify and amplify the values that are core to your practice by sharing our experience.
In this article we’re going to cover;
More Than Words: Core Values Are Core Actions
Why We Decided Core Values Were Necessary In Our Business
The Process We Used To Define The Clinic Mastery Core Values
Practicing Our Values: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

The Clinic Mastery Community if full of progressive, entrepreneurial and passionate Clinic Owners who are networking, collaborating and sharing their experience on Growing Clinics.
More Than Words: Core Values Are Core Actions
Core values are the principles that govern and guide how you act or how you behave.
They are the cultural expectations of how you act as a team, how you engage with your clients and what you do in the community.
Core values are the things you do that define who you are and who you are committed to being as you grow.
More Than Words: Core Values Are Core Actions
Your core values are represented in your actions, the way you do business.
Values Are Verbs.
Verbs are Doing Words.
Therefore, Values need to represent doing words, they are actions.
This means that we can filter all of our decisions through our core values so that our actions align consistently.
Values are not something you create, Values are core actions you identify and then AMPLIFY.
You Already Have Core Values, But Do You Live Them?
You already have Core Values, because core values are the reflection of ‘how’ you go about business.
The questions is, have you been deliberate about using your core values?
Most private practices will have ‘unspoken’ expectations of how each person should show up each day.
The catch is that if you haven’t defined your core values and created practices/behaviours around them, you leave your culture up to chance.
You become reactive to how people feel or show up on any given day.
You don’t have a reference point or standard for people to align with because you’ve never explicitly communicated the principles that you operate by – your values.
This can leave you vulnerable to inconsistencies in how you engage as a team or how you deliver your service.

Why Clinic Mastery Decided Core Values Were Necessary
The were 2 primary reasons the Clinic Mastery Team decided to define our core values:
Our client and community was rapidly growing (it still is)
Our Team was rapidly growing (they still are)
We’re not perfect, we could have done this exercise sooner!
However, the 2 reasons above were a good catalyst to go through this process.
By defining the Clinic Mastery Core Values we were able to set some expectations of ourselves as to how we would navigate our growth on all fronts with a level of consistency and alignment.
These expectations allow us to keep ourselves accountable to delivering our service with a standard and flavour that is unique to Clinic Mastery.
We were looking to do things more consistently.
Remember, Core Values are not something you create…
Core Values are actions you already display, we’re simply identifying those behaviours and then amplifying them by using and infusing them in everything we do.
It’s about being more deliberate and consistent in the way you act or behave when you’re at your best.
We knew that our team and our clients deserve the best version of Clinic Mastery everyday.
The Clinic Mastery Values are a way for us to hold ourselves accountable to delivering our best everyday.
What Are The Clinic Mastery Core Values
After hours of discussion, we identified the 4 Clinic Mastery Core Values as:
Keep it Real
Make it Happen
Be Outcome Focused
Bring the Energy
Here’s what each of the 4 Clinic Mastery Core Values Means to us.
1 of 4 – Keep it Real
We are frank, to the point in our feedback because results matter.
We don’t see it better or worse than it is.
We walk our talk, our practices are reflective of our experience and advice.
Be Humble – our communication and content is genuine, we are authentic in our delivery.
2 of 4 – Make it Happen
We follow through on what we say we’re going to do for our team mates and clients.
We go above and beyond our expectations and outside of our role to get results for the team and clients.
3 of 4 – Bring the Energy
We reframe below the line behaviour by focusing on the positivity and opportunities ahead.
We are actively transferring enthusiasm and optimism to those around us.
Note: We started with “Have Fun” but thought that it was:
We felt that Fun was a superficial and short lived experience, we wanted something more practical and quantifiable.
Many other ‘outputs’ or emotions could be experienced (not just Fun) if we focused on the ‘input’ (proactive) what we could do to generate ‘fun’ and other experiences (enjoyment, passion). Hence we came up with – Bring the Energy
4 of 4 – Be Outcome Focused
We clarify and simplify the actions required ahead so that results are achieved.
We are obsessed about the outcome and finding new and better ways to achieve them.
We aim to do more with less.
Progress Over Perfection: Values Can Evolve As You Grow
As we grow, we will continue to reflect on the Clinic Mastery Core Values.
We will assess whether they best represent who we are and who we’re committed to being.
It’s unlikely the values will change at a fundamental level.
The essence and intention behind these core values will always exist for Clinic Mastery.
However, we’ll get better at communicating exactly what we mean so that it better reflects who we are, how we do business and how we want to do business.

What Process Did We Use To Identify The Clinic Mastery Core Values
This is a snapshot of how we identified the Clinic Mastery core values.
Our entire 10 step process is detailed in our Business Academy and we guide our members through this so that they not only identify, but amplify their values through their actions.
The process started by having each of the directors of Clinic Mastery reflect on their personal values and make a list. (don’t start with your team, start with you/business partners)
Then, we had a few coffees and beers in Barwon Heads and asked a couple of key questions that we used to define the 4 Clinic Mastery Core Values.

4 Core Questions That Helped Us Identify Our Core Values
What are some core sayings or common phrases we’ve used in our work to reflect how we go about our business? e.g. “Make it Happen”
How do we want our clients to describe their experience with us? E.g. We get results, hence “Be Outcome Focused”
When we’re at our best as a team and as a coach, what are we doing to to get into that state? E.g. We’re enjoying the process (having fun), hence “Bring the Energy”
What expectations do we have for our communication internally and externally? E.g. We want to be authentic and genuine to us, hence “Keep it Real”.
Make A List, Check It Twice…
For each question we made a big list on butchers paper.
Then we debated the reponses until we had a ‘Core Value’ that best represented who we are and who we’re committed to becoming.
Then we used many of the adjectives (descriptions) that come out through that process as the ‘sub-text’ or explanation of what we mean for each value.
Practicing Our Values: Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Remember, Values are the things that you (we) already do.
You just need to identify them (through a reflection process) and then Amplify them.
You amplify core values by deliberately infusing them into your decision making and action taking.
We are well aware, that our actions need to reflect our words.
We’re not perfect, we’re always working to better live out and follow through on these values.
Currently, here are a few ways that we use our core values:
Celebrate our team and clients wins through our slack channel each week
Make decisions on who joins the Clinic Mastery Team (they need to reflect these values)
They guide if we execute new ideas/strategies and how quickly
At our weekly team meeting we use the values to measure our ‘success’ in our service delivery for our clients/members
The tone, style and practicality of the content we publish for members and the community
They guide our 360 reviews of each of the team members performance
Core values are the principles that govern and guide how you conduct yourself.
They are the cultural expectations of how you act as a team, how you engage with your clients and what you do in the community.
Core values are the things you do that define who you are and who you are committed to being as you grow.
You already have Core Values, but do you deliberately live them?
You need to Identify, then Amplify the best parts of ‘how’ you show up each day.
Remember that your Actions Speak Louder Than Your Words.
You need to use your core values as the filter for your decision making and action taking.If you want to transform your culture, to lead an inspired team, Core Values are a key element to your success.As a member of our Business Academy, we can help you go through this process, so that you too become a Values Driven business like Clinic Mastery.Until Next Time,
Consult with Passion & Serve with Care

Article by
Ben Lynch
Ben realised after a number of years practicing Podiatry that he was in fact more interested in the person at the end of the foot than the foot itself. Ben's passion for understanding what makes people enjoy a better quality of life is what drives him to be creative and systematic about communication and connection with clients as part of their experience.
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